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美国GE DPI 800/802压力校验仪

High-pressure calibrators include built-in pump for ease of pressure generation, and the volume adjuster for fine pressure control. Low-pressure calibrator includes a built-in dual piston volume adjuster for course/fine pressure settings. The pressure relief valve removes trapped air without the need to disconnect the device under test.Rugged NEMA 12 (IP54) case with elastomer keypad is designed for industrial or field use. Measure pressure in 25 different units including a user-definable scale. Dual display indicates current, voltage, temperature, and minimum/maximum readings. The TASK menu provides options for pressure transmitter calibration, pressure switch testing, leak testing, loop testing, and fault finding. To aid calibration and testing, calibrators supply 10 VDC, 24 VDC, and up to 24 mA.Models 68974-12 to -18 and -48 to -58 store up to 10,000 readings and send the data to a computer via a RS-232 port. Models 68974-40 to -46 and -60 to 70 feature two-way PC communication for transferring procedures and results, as well as error analysis with pass/fail status. Procedures downloaded from a PC automatically configure the calibrators to pre-defined calibration and test routines. Optional software is required. Order seperately below.



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